Winners & Shortlists


Entrant Company KONSTELLATION Copenhagen, DENMARK
Advertising Agency KONSTELLATION Copenhagen, DENMARK
Name Company Position
Claus Leinøe Konstellation Client Services Director/Partner
Thomas Pries Konstellation Chief Creative Officer/Partner
Benjamin Bang Konstellation Associate Creative Director
Morten Grubak Konstellation Associate Creative Director
Rasmus Høgdall Konstellation Associate Creative Director
Philip Bock Konstellation Associate Creative Director
Steffen Rasmussen Konstellation Associate Creative Director
Kristian Rix Konstellation Producer
Bas Meister Konstellation Digital Designer
Mads Jørgensen Konstellation Cto/Partner
Morten Barklund Konstellation Developer

Creative Execution

A plug’n’party stick with a #HappyBeerTime OS was created and shipped off to bars. After plugging it into their TV-sets, bars can offer guests a happy beer time. On the TV screen, guests can now see the remaining happy hour time and extend it by using Instagram. Participating guests’ photos appear on the TV as well.

Everybody wins: Bars are promoted organically through Instagram, Carlsberg gets a lot of user generated content and guests have a longer happy hour. It has been tested around bars in Denmark before the big global roll out.

CHALLENGE: In the social media landscape, old school bar promotion is getting kind of, well, old. Carlsberg wanted to give bars a helping hand and connect them with consumers on their (social media) turf in a new way that grabbed their attention. IDEA: Tapping into existing consumer behaviour, we made it possible for bar guests to extend the happy hour simply by tagging an Instagram #HappyBeerTime and the name of the bar (#barname].