Winners & Shortlists

2014 Promo & Activation


Entrant Company TRY/APT/POL Oslo, NORWAY
Advertising Agency TRY/APT/POL Oslo, NORWAY
Media Agency MEDIACOM Oslo, NORWAY
Production Company NOTCH Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Øystein Halvorsen TRY/Apt/POL Copywriter
Karin Lund TRY/Apt/POL Ad
Bjørnar Buxrud TRY/Apt/POL Copywriter
Torkild Jarnholt TRY/Apt/POL Copywriter
Morten Polmar TRY/Apt/POL Account Director
Annette Werner TRY/Apt/POL Digital Producer
Cathrine Wennersten TRY/Apt/POL Account Manager
Sebastian Rasch TRY/Apt/POL Designer
Frode Ekeberg TRY/Apt/POL Motion
Christian Lundvall TRY/Apt/POL Motion
Geir Skorstad TRY/Apt/POL Film Production
Simen Øian Gjermundsen Notch Developer
Christopher Einarsrud Notch Developer

The Brief

Launch the all electric e-Golf in Norway & in order to create sales: Generate as many test drives as possible.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

Norway has one of the highest smartphone penetrations in the world. A great number of smartphones means a great number of daily charging-sessions. We created an app that connected the action of charging smartphones with the e-Golf. The “Charge up for e-Golf app” gave you a raffle ticket every time you charged your phone. At the same time you got a fact about one of the innovative features of the car. Extra tickets were handed out for sharing on Facebook and signing up for test drives.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

-With a Norwegian population of just about five million, the app was downloaded more than 100 000 times. -The app was number one at the App Store for more than two weeks. Also top ranked at Google Play. -The campaign was shared 35 000 times on Facebook. -The campaign generated over 13 000 test drives: An all time high in Norway. -The interest for test drives was so high that many retailers had to exceed their business hours in order to meet the demand. -At the end of the campaign, the e-Golf was the most sold electric car in Norway.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Our objective was to tell people that the most popular car in Norway was to be launched in an electric version - in other words, get Norwegians ‘charged up for e-Golf.’ And when we realized it was possible to make an app that could utilize the battery hardware technology in smartphones, we decided to turn the campaign into a competition where people could charge their phones, and win an e-Golf free of charge. With VW having a strong focus on innovations, the app in itself added to this position.