Winners & Shortlists

2014 Promo & Activation


Entrant Company KOLLE REBBE Hamburg, GERMANY
Advertising Agency KOLLE REBBE Hamburg, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Sascha Hanke Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Executive Creative Director
Rolf Leger Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Executive Creative Director
Christian Doering KOREFE Creative Director Design
Nadine Nolting Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Art Director
Sarah Sommer Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Copywriter
Britta Kronacher Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Account Manager
Martin Lühe Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Production Manager
Nina Offermann Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Agency Producer
Rachel Hoffmann Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Agency Producer
Christopher Tychsen Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Agency Producer
Alexander Hildenberg Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Director Of Photography
Ralf Seelig Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Final Artwork
Katja Sluyter Kolle Rebbe Gmbh Art Buying
Paula Bergner The Marmalade Film Production
Gidon Wolff Hastings Audio Network Sound Engineer
Alan Orpin Voice Over Casefilm
Carsten Schedler No Limits Composer Music

The Brief

Rosenthal, the world’s leading manufacturer of fine tableware, was searching for an innovative way of giving a voucher for tableware, everyone’s first choice of wedding gift. The concept should put an end to the days when presenting a newly married couple with nothing but an envelope was considered boring and unimaginative. The objective was to add value to the tableware voucher in a way that is worth more than the voucher itself.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

We developed the Weddinglope, the first envelope made exclusively from porcelain. What makes it so special is that the wedding gift, a voucher for tableware, is hidden inside. This is possible thanks to a specially developed multi-stage firing process.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Thanks to the Weddinglope, the number of Rosenthal vouchers sold at Rosenthal stores increased by 32% compared with the same period last year. Whether the number of weddings has also increased is something we cannot judge.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

At German weddings it is customary to wish the bride and groom luck by smashing porcelain. The noise is supposed to drive away evil spirits. Inspired by this tradition, we decided to hide a voucher for tableware inside the Weddinglope. To get the voucher, you first have to smash the envelope. An experience and an elegant reinterpretation of a charming German tradition.