Winners & Shortlists

2014 Promo & Activation


Entrant Company McCANN OSLO, NORWAY
Advertising Agency McCANN OSLO, NORWAY
Media Agency STARCOM Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Ingrid Lea Mccann Nordic Oslo Creative
Torny Hesle Mccann Nordic Oslo Creative
Thale Høy/Petersen Mccann Nordic Oslo Creative
Øistein Markus Holm Mccann Nordic Oslo Creative
Øistein Kristiansen Mccann Nordic Oslo Creative
Ole Hallvar Kveseth Mccann Nordic Oslo Creative
Bjørn Erling Solberg Mccann Nordic Oslo Account Director
Tone Bøygard Mccann Nordic Oslo Account Manager
Torjan Rood Vastveit Mccann Nordic Oslo Designer
Anne Hildremyr Mccann Nordic Oslo Ad Assistent
Marte Nereng Langfjæran Mccann Nordic Oslo Ad Assistent
Rune Kongsro Kongsro Photographer
Alexander Benjaminsen Kongsro Photographer
Nova Vista Event

The Brief

Ruter is the public transportation provider for greater Oslo, Norway. Although many use them frequently on a daily basis, their liking is low. So when people take time off in the summer, they gladly take time off from public transportation as well. We needed to show existing customers that Ruter is just as relevant during summer, and that hidden summer pearls are only a short bus ride away.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

To get the target group interested in traveling with public transport in their spare time, we created something that was relevant and easy to like. Many Norwegians spend their summer holidays in Southern Europe, and tour operators offer cheaper trips called “Destination Unknown.” This means you only know what region you’re going to, and not the final destination. Many choose this option hence the price, but it is also quite intriguing! That’s why we launched “Ruter Destination Unknown” back home. Cheap bus trips to an unknown summer attraction in Oslo.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The campaign created the best results for Ruter ever. The trips were immediately overbooked - we even had to triple the capacity on the first bus trip. Ruter’s Facebook-page, which is usually used for complains, flooded with positive comments only. Even Oslo’s mayor encouraged people to join our trips. 40% of Greater Oslo’s population got to know the campaign. Of these, 76% got a good/very good impression of Ruter and 50% thought Ruter made it easier to explore summer activities. Most important: 28% said they are more positive to travel with Ruter in their spare time.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Although many travel with Ruter on a daily basis, they mostly travel between the same stops (work, home, etc). When everyday logistics change during the summer holidays, it’s easy to choose the car instead. But Ruter has around 4000 stops, and many of them are close to perfect summer activities. All the “Destination Unknown”-trips went to one of these stops. In this way we got our target group to go crazy about traveling with Ruter to their regular stops. By introducing a well known holiday concept, we managed to create associations to holiday travels when traveling with Ruter.