Winners & Shortlists

2014 Promo & Activation


Entrant Company FRED & FARID GROUP Paris, FRANCE
Advertising Agency FRED & FARID GROUP Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Fred/Farid FRED/FARID GROUP Chief Creative Officers

The Brief

The communication business is dominated by giants... worldwide companies driven by CFOs, shareholders and stock markets. They eat up and digest any company tickling them in their world domination plan. It's harder and harder for creative boutiques to survive. So at Fred & Farid, we had an idea... Why not organizing an epic #fail with 2 giants? Instead of the usual David against Goliath... we made a Goliath against Goliath story. We created... the "Impossible Wedding"... an impossible marriage in between Omnicom, the biggest American network... and Publicis, the biggest French network... a New World Communication Order. Code name: "Omnipub".

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

The communication business is dominated by giants... worldwide companies driven by CFOs, shareholders and stock markets. They eat up and digest any company tickling them in their world domination plan. It's harder and harder for creative boutiques to survive.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

These punchlines went viral like crazy... making the whole world participate to a very bizarre "pre-divorce ceremony" with 24 000 mentions in a week (Topsy), 500 000 web pages over 9 months (Google)... and an estimated cost of 100 millions dollars (AdWeek). But most importantly, our "Omnipub project" generated a hilarious series of bizarre "crying-laughing" pic, "pinching-hugging" pic, "Ouch-you're-hurting-me-now-John" pic and "Shall-we-jump-together-now-Maurice?" pic... In the end, no one was hurt... and this little story proved once again... that love really is blind."

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

First we sent a fake letter from Omnicom's CEO John Wren, to Publicis' CEO Maurice Levy. Meanwhile we sent another fake letter from Maurice to John. They instantly gathered the press to announce the good news: the wedding would happen in a few months... the whole world would be invited... and the newly composed family would protect us from evil data minded Google & Facebook.