Winners & Shortlists

2014 Promo & Activation


Entrant Company SERVICEPLAN Munich, GERMANY
Advertising Agency SERVICEPLAN Munich, GERMANY
Media Agency MEDIAPLUS Munich, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Alexander Schill Serviceplan Chief Creative Officer
Christoph Everke Serviceplan Executive Creative Director
Matthias Harbeck Serviceplan Executive Creative Director
Till Diestel Serviceplan Executive Creative Director
Nicolas Becker Serviceplan Creative Director
Andreas Balog Serviceplan Creative Director
Michael Schoepf Serviceplan Copywriter
Christoph Bohlender Serviceplan Copywriter
Carola Luettringhaus Serviceplan Copywriter
Walter Ziegler Serviceplan Art Director
Michaela Krietsch Serviceplan Account Supervisor
Markus Mrugalla/Felix Ohr/Ret Lauterbach Programmer
Katy Pergelt Serviceplan Agency Producer
Florian Panier Serviceplan Executive Creative Producer
Shari Bremer Serviceplan Offline
Rolf Eggers Offline
Matthias Reißl Mediaplus Media Agency
Oliver Hey Mediaplus Media Agency
Dr. Phil. Dipl. Psych. Ralf Stuermer University Of Essen Biopsychology Expert
Susanne Kiefl Mediaplus Media Agency

The Brief

Deli Star is a highly successful coffee shop franchise and one of Germany's biggest coffee importers. With an outstanding promotion, the customers should encounter a new brand experience and new target groups should be gained. Our strategy was to directly address people who are in situations, in which they want or need to stay awake but, unfortunately, do not have stimulating coffee nearby. For example: drivers at night.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

Tiredness occurs at night, particularly at the wheel of a car, where it is especially dangerous. Drivers seldomly have coffee at hand to keep them awake. To fix this, and connect them to Deli Star, we, in cooperation with renowned research institute, Infrasonics, developed a world debut: Audio Coffee. The first audible coffee that wakes you up, thanks to the stimulating power of binauraler beats. These beats are stereo-sounds that play one frequency in one ear and another frequency 15Hz higher in the other. This difference is proven to stimulate brainwaves thus keeping you awake, just like real coffee.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Only a few days after the two week promotion, the CDs were sold out at the point-of-sale. The promotion gained high acclaim in special interest blogs and other online media. The traffic on increased 3,7 times during the promotion period. The radio station egoFM profited from a large, positive feedback from their listeners, in which the Deli Star Audio Coffee, apart the promotion, was also used in various broadcasts. But most importantly, we made Germany’s car drivers more alert and night traffic safer.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Together with various international musicians, we produced several Audio Coffee tracks that are proven to wake you up like real coffee. In order to reach out to as many potential and existing clients, we advertised Audio Coffee as radio broadcasts, internet downloads and as promotion CDs at the point-of-sale - the Deli Star Cafés. The package design of the CD is based on the original drinkable version: shrinkwrapped, like Deli Star coffee, in premium, branded aluminum foil. Using this packaging, the target group can immediately recognize that what is inside, will keep them awake, just like real coffee.