Winners & Shortlists

2014 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceBED & BATHROOM
Entrant Company SMFB Oslo, NORWAY
Advertising Agency SMFB Oslo, NORWAY
Media Agency MEDIACOM Oslo, NORWAY
Production Company MEDIAMONKS Hilversum, THE NETHERLANDS
Name Company Position
Alexander Gjersoe Smfb Creative Director
Hans Magne Ekre Smb Creative Director
Hans Martin Rønneseth Smfb Creative Director
André Koot Smfb Creative Director
Kristian Kristiansen Smfb Account Director
Mari Engen Smfb Account Manager
Christoffer Lorang Dahl Smfb Designer
Nicklas Hellborg Smfb Designer
Stina Nordgren Smfb Designer
Arnar Halldorsson Smfb Designer
Tom Rijpert Mediamonks Director
Jeroen Van Der Meer Mediamonks Interactive Director
Robbie Van Brussel Mediamonks Dop
Joris Pol Mediamonks Executive Producer
Noor Van Geloven Mediamonks Executive Producer

The Brief

Every year IKEA launches a new catalogue, with a new focus area and lots of new products. The objective of this year's campaign was to launch the a product season focusing IKEA's new bed- and bathroom range. These rooms are low on people´s priority lists. They prefer to spend money on social rooms where we spend more time together, like the living room and the kitchen. IKEA wanted to people to discover more of their new bed- and bathroom range, and make people more likely to invest money in their bed- and bathroom.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

We took the world’s most famous catalogue and crafted it into an interactive film that expands as if it was designed by IKEA itself; Where Good Days Starts is the first IKEA Catalogue that can be explored through a story. The film stars a Scandinavian family and their archetypal morning routine. The element of surprise lies in the hidden layer of extra content, which allows viewers to divert from the main storyline at any point during the film to experience more of the product range, and also highlight and buy all the products from the range.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The campaign is ongoing, and has not yet been fully evaluated. However, just a few weeks in we had registered over 100.000 unique users (Norway has a population of 5 million). Total bed- and bathroom sales had increased by 12%. That is a quite remarkable figure for the following reason: IKEA is the outstanding market leader in furniture retail in Norway, with a share of 46%, and a 30% lead on the first runner up competitor. Pushing them another 12% means that this campaign has already achieved its goal of bringing bed- and bathroom more top of both mind and wallet in Norway. Store visits had increased by a record breaking 7%. Visits to Ikea’s homepage increased by 36% and visits to the bed- and bathroom department page increased by 54%.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

To make people discover more of IKEA´s bed- and bathroom range, we took all these products from the catalogue and made them part of a four minute interactive film. The film celebrates the ordinary morning, and the story exclusively takes place in the family´s bedrooms and bathroom. Whenever you see something you like, you can highlight it, dive into hidden content based on the product range, and in the end, the viewer is sent to a tailor-made web shop where you can buy all the products you highlighted and of course all the other products from the film.