2017 Promo & Activation


Category C05. Customer Retail / In-Store Experience
Entrant ACHTUNG!mcgarrybowen Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Idea Creation ACHTUNG!mcgarrybowen Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Media Placement MEDIACOM Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Additional Company MOONFOX Zwevgem, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Mervyn ten Dam Achtung !mcgarrybowen Creative Director
Vincent Versluis Achtung! mcgarrybowen Creative
Florian Hollander Achtung !mcgarrybowen Creative
Sven Vening Achtung !mcgarrybowen Business Director
Dirk Jan de Krom Achtung !mcgarrybowen Account Executive
Boris Nihom Achtung !mcgarrybowen Strategy Director
Jasper van der Bijl Pon's Automobielhandel - Volkswagen Manager Marketing Communication
Leony Hogenes Pon's Automobielhandel - Volkswagen Brand Communication Manager
Eric Bun Pon's Automobielhandel - Volkswagen Pon's Automobielhandel - Volkswagen
Ismael ten Heuvel Pink Rabbit Director
Monique van Beckhoven Pink Rabbit Producer
Mireille Lampe Pink Rabbit Producer
Myrthe Mosterman Myrthe Mosterman DOP
Meike Sier Meike Sier Prop builder
Martin Heijgelaar MRTN Editor
Captcha Captcha Online montage & Grading
Feike de Wit Soundcircus Sound engineer
Moonfox Moonfox POS suite developer
Tijmen Mulder Robot kittens Digital Agency

The Campaign

We introduced the innovations of the next generation of Volkswagens by transforming the next generation of drivers… into Volkswagens with a cardboard Robosuit. This way we made the innovations tangible in an human way. We activated drivers to come to the dealers and pick up the give-away. This way parents could experience the innovation themselves in a test drive, while we let the kids play with their interactive toy. We made sure the suit mimicked all the innovations of the real car. We made the Robosuit the core ‘property’ of our brand campaign to drive awareness for the next generation of Volkswagens in all of media: on TVC, in socials, via influencers, in targeted newsletters and - of course - via the dealerships, where more than 20.000 people went to get their suits. After which they spontaneously began to share #Robopak on social media.

Campaign Success

We launched the Robosuit campaign with a TVC/CINEMA/ONLINE film showing the binding connection between a father and son - mimicking the innovations of the next generation of Volkswagen at a kids birthday party with a cartboard Robosuit. And immediately designed and produced 20,000 cardboard Volkswagen Robosuits, and developed a smartphone app that mimicked the sounds and features of the innovations. From there we followed up with social video’s, branded content, influencer content and targeted newsletters to get fans and prospects to the dealerships to pick up their own Robosuit, with an invitation to make a real life test-drive in a next generation Volkswagen. Prospects and their children were so enthusiastic that a wave of videos where spontaneously posted on social with hashtag #Robopak. A hype was born. After only 7 days, all 20.000 Robosuits were picked up at the dealerships.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Business impact: - 62% more traffic to the dealerships. Response rate: - All 20.000 suits were out of stock in just 7 days Impressions: - 3.255.000 on Facebook with 6 videos - 62% paid vs. 38% organic Consumer awareness: - 2.862.455 views on YouTube with 7 videos - 74% paid vs. 26% organic views - GRP: 1219-TV & 155-Online-video forced Change in behaviour - VW has entered the top 3 of most innovative car brands in the segment (after Audi and Volvo) - 88% of respondents perceive Volkswagen as a more innovative brand after being exposed to the campaign. - As a result of the campaign, innovation is now the third argument for choosing a Volkswagen next to price (1) and reliability (2).

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Innovations are best experienced while driving, But test driving a car at the dealer is perceived high barrier. To get Dutch people out of the couch, we introduced a 'promo-property' called the Volkswagen-Robosuit. The cardboard suits were introduced on TV and produced to engage 20.000 kids & parents. Via social we invited them to pick a Robosuit up at the dealer along with a test drive. The Robosuit came with a custom-made app that mimicked the innovations of the real car. This way a cardboard 'giveaway' became an interactive toy and the Volkswagen hype was born!

Target audience: Aspiring middle class car buyers; with above average education and income, who are looking for good value for money products, and are open to tech innovations, which make life easier. Approach: The 'What's in it for me' when it comes to car innovations is - at best - abstract. That's why we chose not to talk too much about technology but rather have our target audience literally live it. We strategically chose to target parents and people in the market for a new Volkswagen via the strongest emotional bond: their kids. Meaning we got the ‘next generation’ on board to drive awareness for the ‘next generation of Volkswagen’. On TV, in Cinema (Cars 3), in online media and via targeted e-mail newsletters, we made sure the Robosuit was seen by kids and prospects, motivating parents (influenced by their kids’ request) to go to Volkswagen dealerships.