2017 Promo & Activation


Category B04. Use of Print or Outdoor
Name Company Position
Razvan Capanescu McCann Prague Chief Creative Officer
Jan Benda McCann Prague Group Creative Director
Joseph Martin McCann Prague Associate Group Creative Director
Klára Palmer McCann Prague Group Creative Director
Benjamin Mulderer McCann Prague DTP
Martina Hejdová McCann Prague Chief Operating Officer
Martin Petrásek McCann Prague Group Account Director
Hana Prokopová McCann Prague Account Director

The Campaign

Czech language is not an easy language. And for foreigners, trying to pronounce words with 4 consecutive consonants can be challenging to say the least. The interesting fact is that the reciprocity is also valid – Czechs are having trouble to pronounce some of the fancy French names or the complex English ones. Words like Louboutin, Boeuf Bourguignon or names like McConaughey are as hard to pronounce by the Czechs as Cointreau is. Hence our idea of turning the hard-to-pronounce challenge of our brand into a sign of a fancier belonging. This campaign not just teaches our customers how to pronounce Cointreau, but also turns this disadvantage into a benefit, that gives the brand a hallmark of luxury.

Campaign Success

Czech language is not an easy language. And for foreigners, trying to pronounce words with 4 consecutive consonants can be challenging to say the least. The interesting fact is that the reciprocity is also valid – Czechs are having trouble to pronounce some of the fancy French names or the complex English ones. Words like Louboutin, Boeuf Bourguignon or names like McConaughey are as hard to pronounce by the Czechs as Cointreau is. Hence our idea of turning the hard-to-pronounce challenge of our brand into a sign of a fancier belonging. This campaign not just teaches our customers how to pronounce Cointreau, but also turns this disadvantage into a benefit, that gives the brand a hallmark of luxury.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Czech language is not an easy language. And for foreigners, trying to pronounce words with 4 consecutive consonants can be challenging to say the least. The interesting fact is that the reciprocity is also valid – Czechs are having trouble to pronounce some of the fancy French names or the complex English ones. Words like Louboutin, Boeuf Bourguignon or names like McConaughey are as hard to pronounce by the Czechs as Cointreau is. Hence our idea of turning the hard-to-pronounce challenge of our brand into a sign of a fancier belonging. This campaign not just teaches our customers how to pronounce Cointreau, but also turns this disadvantage into a benefit, that gives the brand a hallmark of luxury.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Czechs are having trouble to pronounce some of the fancy French names or the complex English ones. Words like Louboutin, Boeuf Bourguignon or names like McConaughey are as hard to pronounce by the Czechs as Cointreau is. Hence our idea of turning the hard-to-pronounce challenge of our brand into a sign of a fancier belonging. This campaign not just teaches our customers how to pronounce Cointreau, but also turns this disadvantage into a benefit, that gives the brand a hallmark of luxury.

Czech language is not an easy language. And for foreigners, trying to pronounce words with 4 consecutive consonants can be challenging to say the least. The interesting fact is that the reciprocity is also valid – Czechs are having trouble to pronounce some of the fancy French names or the complex English ones. Words like Louboutin, Boeuf Bourguignon or names like McConaughey are as hard to pronounce by the Czechs as Cointreau is. Hence our idea of turning the hard-to-pronounce challenge of our brand into a sign of a fancier belonging. This campaign not just teaches our customers how to pronounce Cointreau, but also turns this disadvantage into a benefit, that gives the brand a hallmark of luxury.