2017 Promo & Activation


Category D02. Use of Mobile
Name Company Position
Jimmy Mars Cheil Benelux Creative
Pieter Perry Cheil Benelux Creative/Copywriter
Thijs de Boer Cheil Benelux Executive Creative Director
Roen Roomberg Freelancer Strategy
Danny Bakker Cheil Benelux Designer
Judith Langeslag Cheil Benelux Account Director
Petra Bax Cheil Benelux Account Manager
Irene Spronk Cheil Benelux Account Manager
Mario Piepenbrink Freelancer Technical Director
Berend van Eerde Botoboto Director
Tom Schrooten Botoboto Director
Melissa Nieveld Freelancer Producer
Gerben van Walt Meijer Samsung Benelux Head of Marketing IMD
Femke Koenen Samsung Benelux Trainee Marketing Communication IMD
Chantal Kunst Tone of Voice Sound Studio
Susanne Damen Samsung Benelux Manager Brand, Media & Content Marketing
Anne ter Braak Samsung Benelux Head of Communications

The Campaign

In-Traffic Reply This app enables you to stay social in traffic without using your smartphone. In-Traffic Reply automatically answers all of your social messages (such as Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS) while you are in traffic. Every time you move faster than ten kilometres an hour, the app automatically switches on to reply on your behalf. The replies contain unique cartoons that show the receiver, in a humorous way, what might happen if they text and drive. In-Traffic Reply therefore enables road users to stay safe and social in traffic, while also spreading Samsung’s awareness message one-on-one through social media.

Campaign Success

Our goal was to get people to stop worrying about their smartphones while they’re behind the wheel. With this in mind, we created an app that quietly takes over when you’re in traffic. After a simple onboarding, the app automatically takes over whenever you start driving or cycling. The notification sounds are automatically turned off and all messages for the connected social apps (Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, e-mail and calls) are answered with an In-Traffic Reply. We created a series of In-Traffic Replies starring an emoticon character who keeps texting behind the wheel. In each cartoon, the character finds himself in an impossible situation as a result of his lack of focus. These cartoons involve the recipient of the In-Traffic Reply message in keeping their friend or colleague safe, and promote the app in a natural way.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

In-Traffic Reply was launched with a small media budget, but it generated 378 news items and 346,532,689 impressions with a total PR value of € 1,728,827. So far, the app has been downloaded and installed 69,922 times and has sent out 326,528 replies (which all contain the Samsung traffic safety message). Within three months, Samsung Benelux decided to pre-install In-Traffic Reply on every new Samsung smartphone. After that they decided to include the app in their next software update for all Samsung smartphones in circulation. Right now, every time the issue of texting behind the wheel comes up in the media, Samsung’s In-Traffic Reply is mentioned as an example of brands taking responsibility for this problem. ? Results: - 378 news items - 346,532,689 impressions - € 1,728,827 PR value - 69,922 downloads - 326,528 replies sent

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The campaign activates people to download and use the In-Traffic Reply app. In that way Samsung activates people to drive safely.

In this mobile era, we feel the need to be available to our friends and colleagues all the time, even in traffic. This creates a lot of dangerous situations and even accidents. Raising awareness about the risk of using your mobile while in traffic has not proven to be effective. That’s why Samsung takes it a step further by offering a solution for this problem. We did so by creating an app that automatically sends out light-hearted awareness messages in reply to incoming social messages while you are in traffic. You can personalise your In-Traffic Reply with several content options and by adding short videos. This app not only helps you to stay safe and social in traffic, it also involves your whole social network in the traffic safety issue by introducing the app and spreading Samsung’s message about keeping your focus on the road.