Product/ServiceGRDF GREEN GAS
Category A03. Casting
Idea Creation ROSAPARK Paris, FRANCE
Production PHANTASM Paris, FRANCE
Production 2 NIGHTSHIFT Paris, FRANCE
Production 3 SCHMOOZE Paris, FRANCE
Production 4 MATHEMATIC Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Gilles Fichteberg ROSAPARK Co-founder Chief Creative Officer
Jean-Francois Sacco ROSAPARK Co-founder Chief Creative Officer
Jean-Patrick Chiquiar ROSAPARK Co-Founder
Cerise Leclerc ROSAPARK Art Director
Louise Mussot ROSAPARK Copywriter
Nima Nourizadeh PHANTASM Director
Delphine Drutel ROSAPARK Managing Director
Elodie Jonquille ROSAPARK Head of TV Production
Virginie Matias ROSAPARK Account Manager
Camille Huguenot ROSAPARK Account Director
François Peretti ROSAPARK Strategic Planner
Jeanne Neuschwander ROSAPARK Head of Digital Strategy
Cassandre Géron ROSAPARK Social Media Manager
Sanae Belkouri ROSAPARK Agency TV Producer
Mélanie Colléou ROSAPARK PR Co-ordinator
Olivier Muller PHANTASM Executive Producer
Jean-Pierre Crapart PHANTASM Line Producer
Daniel Voldheim PHANTASM Director Of Photography
Arnaud Roth PHANTASM Set Designer
Thomas Cornet NIGHTSHIFT Post Production
Walter Mauriot NIGHTSHIFT Editor
Didier Le Fouest NIGHTSHIFT Colourist
Guillaume Marien MATHEMATIC VFX Producer
Jérôme Chambin GRDF Communications and Digital Director
Jérôme Andrieu-Casado GRDF Media Images
Pauline Armanet GRDF Media Images
Oirdia Hadek GRDF Media Images
Lucie Calonne GRDF Social Media
Aurélie Messa GRDF Web
El Hadj Allassan Timite GRDF Web
Claire Maindru GRDF Press

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

A small group of very rich, eccentric people are having fun at their last party on Earth, before leaving for a new planet. They’re eating extravagant food, drinking a lot and dancing bizarrely, before all boarding a gold-plated rocket. When it takes off, the waiters collect all the organic waste they’ve left behind and pile it onto a truck. It is then driven to a farm with a biogas plant. It’s recycled and turned into green gas using the GRDF methanizer.

Cultural / Context information for the jury

Everyone is talking about the state of our planet, the future of humanity and the need to improve waste management, all crucial issues for future generations. In documentaries, articles and even products, like fashion spacesuits, the idea of leaving Earth behind and moving to another planet is a hot topic. The gas company, GRDF, chose to illustrate the need for the green gas they produce by a group of eccentric, super rich people, partying to their heart’s content, before taking off in a rocket.

Tell the jury about the casting process.

One of the most important parts of the film is the satirical portrait gallery we built up. The people at the party have been brought together from every walk of life, different corners of the globe and different backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: they don’t care about the planet and have enough money to leave. For the first time, they’re all together, at a party in their image. We chose a collection of international stereotypes of baddies, like gangsters and mafia, rich climate skeptics (all ages), politicians, dictators, drug dealers, oil barons, gurus … basically anybody who could afford and would be interested in this one-way journey. We tried to cast many different races and ages and use real people, with their own extravagant styles, rather than actors, wherever possible.