Product/ServiceVW GOLF IQ.DRIVE
Category A07. Use of Original Music
Idea Creation GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg, GERMANY
Media Placement PHD GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Production CZAR FILM Hamburg, GERMANY
Production 2 BACON Copenhagen, DENMARK
Production 3 SUPREME MUSIC Hamburg, GERMANY
Additional Company VOLKSWAGEN Wolfsburg, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Ralf Heuel Grabarz & Partner Chief Creative Officer
Tobias Ahrens Grabarz & Partner Group CD
Matthias Preuss Grabarz & Partner Creative Director
Jakob Eckstein Grabarz & Partner Creative Director
Axel Schilling Grabarz & Partner Art Director
Mathias Müller Grabarz & Partner Copywriter
Jan Isterling Grabarz & Partner Group Head Account Management
Jasmin Schwarzinger Grabarz & Partner Account Manager
Ludwig Neumerkel Grabarz & Partner Graphic Designer
Lisa Plöser Grabarz & Partner Graphic Designer
Petra Ahrens Grabarz & Partner Agency Producer
Marcus Philipp Volkswagen AG Head of Marketing
Henning Teichmann Volkswagen AG Head of Classic Communication
Burghard Puse Volkswagen AG Project Manager
- - CZAR Film GmbH Film Production
Bart Timmer CZAR Film GmbH Director
Sebastian Blenkov CZAR Film GmbH DOP Lighting Cameraman
- - Bacon X Post Production
- - Supreme Music GmbH Music
- - Loft Tonstudios GmbH Sound Studio
- - phd, Düsseldorf Media Agency

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Four metalheads in their element. The music at its maximum and headbanging until the neck hurts - or in our case, the head. Because in the middle of the best part of the song the heads of driver and co-driver bang together - double knockout. Slowly the passengers on the back seat realize that nobody is driving the car anymore. But Volkswagen’s Emergency Assist takes over and brings their Golf to a safe stop. So the friends can avoid a disaster and a brief time later - and for the sake of general safety - they are delighted with a soft pop tune.

Tell the jury about the creation of the original music track.

"Metalheads" is an extremely musical film with original music composed for it. Music replaces the dialogues and the pointed humor is also controlled by the two songs. With an authentic, fast-paced metal track by the ficitve Black Forest Preachers, the film immediately picks up speed and provides collective headbanging. Another humorous break is created at the end by the pop tune by the non-existing Romy Julie which makes one of the guys swing and the audience laugh once more. For everyone’s safety it was good that the guys had another playlist on their hands.