Product/ServiceVW POLO IQ.DRIVE
Category A07. Use of Original Music
Idea Creation GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg, GERMANY
Media Placement PHD GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Production CZAR FILM Hamburg, GERMANY
Production 2 BACON Copenhagen, DENMARK
Production 3 SUPREME MUSIC Hamburg, GERMANY
Additional Company VOLKSWAGEN Wolfsburg, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Ralf Heuel Grabarz & Partner Chief Creative Officer
Tobias Ahrens Grabarz & Partner Group CD
Matthias Preuss Grabarz & Partner Creative Director
Jakob Eckstein Grabarz & Partner Creative Director
Henry Westcott Grabarz & Partner Art Director
Eduardo Balestra Grabarz & Partner Copywriter
Jan Isterling Grabarz & Partner Group Head Account Management
Jasmin Schwarzinger Grabarz & Partner Account Manager
Ludwig Neumerkel Grabarz & Partner Graphic Designer
Petra Ahrens Grabarz & Partner Agency Producer
Marcus Philipp Volkswagen AG Head of Marketing
Henning Teichmann Volkswagen AG Head of Classic Communication
Burghard Puse Volkswagen AG Project Manager
- - CZAR Film GmbH Film Production
Bart Timmer CZAR Film GmbH Director
Sebastian Blenkov CZAR Film GmbH DOP Lighting Cameraman
- - Bacon X Post Production
- - Supreme Music GmbH Music
- - Loft Tonstudios GmbH Sound Studio
- - phd, Düsseldorf Media Agency

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

At a certain age, kids just love to scare adults. And they play along, even though the little ones sometimes tend to reveal their hideout beforehand, through giggling or small feet protruding under a curtain. But during such a game a little boy runs carelessly out onto the street and directly in front of a Polo. Fortunately, thanks to pedestrian detection, the car stops in time. So at the end of the spot it turns out that children give us the biggest scares when they don't intend to. And thanks to the Polo IQ.DRIVE with pedestrian detection, parents can be sure that someone else is also keeping an eye on the road.

Tell the jury about the creation of the original music track.

The music for the film "Pranks" was specially composed to create a certain feeling. A feeling of safety and playful togetherness between the family members. Through the nostalgic aura and the retro voice of the singer, the target group should feel transported back to their own childhood. The type of music and the joyful lyrics are meant to lull the audience into safety and thus lure them onto the wrong track. To underline the moment when fun suddenly turns serious, the music stops abruptly, leaving room for the braking noise and the shock moment. When the danger is over, the song starts again and brings back the cosy feeling from the beginning.