In 2020, market competition intensified dramatically. A number of new players emerged, and some of the companies started to import products from abroad under their own names.
Buyers order the gloves, but they don’t use them. Professionals use the gloves, but they don’t choose them. As the result, neither the buyers, nor the professionals can remember a single brand name. No one remembers the name; at the very best, the consumers can remember what the package looked like.
Disposable gloves are consumables commonly used by professionals in a variety of industries. One major caveat is that the products in this category can hardly depend on customer loyalty, with the principal distinction (and the main requirement) being puncture resistance.
Disposable gloves are part of the daily routine for a variety of professionals. Both the buyers and the professionals agree that the most important thing about disposable gloves is their durability.
Describe the creative idea (40% of vote)
Durability is the key universally-recognized feature that the customers look for when choosing disposable gloves. A safe choice is extremely important for the professionals – they need to be sure that they won’t waste time and resources changing a ripped glove.
Durable gloves make the professionals feel confident and enable them to fully concentrate on their duties.
Whatever the challenge, your gloves will be up to the task. Gloves that offer durability you can rely on. Stoic – the gloves that stoically withstand just about any challenge.
What we are offering is not just disposable gloves that are durable. We are offering freedom and confidence to the consumers. Freedom to do what they love without being distracted by irrelevant trivia. Confidence about their gloves that will be up to the task, whether it is a routine situation or an emergency.
The gloves that are the professionals’ sure choice.
Describe the execution (40% of vote)
The industry branding standards for the product category have been rather poor. In fact, none of the competitors have bothered to sort out the branding: everyone seems to be happy with perfunctory design solutions.
The package realistically imitates tight-fitting glove material. It appears that inside the package there is a sharp object that could potentially puncture the material, but it doesn’t. It only appears to stretch the elastic surface.
List the results (20% of vote)
We proposed that the client should be the first in the segment to fully – and, most importantly, holistically – communicate the product’s main advantage – its durability. The package was intended to become the main brand positioning tool, not just an insignificant and utilitarian box.
Thanks to the clear-cut and crisp solution, the design is both neat and distinctive, so the package will stand out on any surface, cluttered as it may be.