Product/ServiceSHOWER GEL
Category A01. Consumer Goods
Entrant DDB Brussels, BELGIUM
Idea Creation DDB Brussels, BELGIUM
Production CZAR Brussels, BELGIUM
Production 2 MAKE Zaventem, BELGIUM
Production 3 MAKE Zaventem, BELGIUM
Post Production MAKE Zaventem, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Kwint De Meyer DDB Brussels Creative Direction
Simon Detournay DDB Brussels Creative
CĂ©lestin Metens DDB Brussels Copywriting
Molly Waeytens DDB Brussels Account Management
Dieter Riemaeker DDB Brussels Strategic Direction
Soraya Hellara DDB Brussels Account Management
Mieke Vandewalle MAKE Head TV & Radio Department
Sophie Scheck MAKE Production
Cindy De Mooter MAKE Production
Eurydice Gysel CZAR Executive Production
Maarten De Sutter CZAR Production
Lander Engels CZAR Production
Grimm Vandekerckhove CZAR Filming
Leslie Verbist MAKE Post-production
Robin De Praetere MAKE Editing
Marc 'Baloo' De Coster MAKE Editing
Olivier Ogneux MAKE Grading
Gwenn Nicolay MAKE Music
SALSA - CZAR Filming

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film brings the specific Sunlight feeling to life in a playful and poetic way. Different generations take us back to the blissful moment of coming home and letting all your worries go under a nice, warm shower.

Cultural / Context information for the jury

Sunlight is a brand from Unilever. It is manufactured and marketed around the world as dishwashing detergent. However, Belgium is one of the few countries where Sunlight is still known as a personal hygiene product. In remains omnipresent in almost every bathroom, and that since 1884. This film captures that local feeling of nostalgia and gives the brand a modern touch at the same time. Some Belgians will also recognise the streets of Brussels in the background, which strengthens the feeling of Sunlight being a local brand.