Short List
Product/ServiceWOMEN RIGHTS
Category B03. Fundraising & Advocacy
Production TEMPOMEDIA Hamburg, GERMANY
Additional Company MAKERS & BREAKERS Hamburg, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Francisca Maass GREY / Hamburg Creative Lead
Kerstin Correll GREY / Hamburg Copy & Concept
Christoph Stricker GREY / Hamburg Art & Concept
Willy Kaussen GREY / Hamburg Copy
Malte Heines GREY / Hamburg Idea & Concept
Andreas Gröger GREY / Hamburg Concept
Magdalena Keller GREY / Hamburg Copy
Navid Shahabi GREY / Hamburg Art
Kirsten Schulte GREY / Hamburg Account
Christoph vom Bauer GREY / Hamburg Producer
Franz Schuier and Ömer Mutlu GREY / Hamburg Content Creators
Daniel Deckarm Grey / Hamburg Art
Louise Hobe Grey Germany Account
Katja Garff makers & breakers Strategy & Cooperations
Derk Hayenga WPP media solutions Digital Art
Mirko Kaminski achtung! PR
Sarah Lüth achtung! PR
Robert Hoyer achtung! PR
Tim Voigt and Elli Asbaghi achtung! Alive Social Media & Influencer
Nastassja Wachsmuth and Sina Tonk TERRE DES FEMMES – Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V. Marketing & Communication
Lisa Kaiser and Sophie Dietrich TERRE DES FEMMES – Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V. PR
Sergej Moya Tempomedia Filmproduktion Director
Uli Jason Ulbrich and Marion Dopfer Tempomedia Filmproduktion Production
Lilli Seidel and Eva Kuhar Tempomedia Filmproduktion Production
Jakob Flanderka Tempomedia Filmproduktion Videographing
Peti Misaila and Julia Moya Tempomedia Filmproduktion Casting
Philipp Feit German Wahnsinn Creative Production
Annett Kiener and Friedrich Siegmund DELI Creative Collective Editing
Oliver Schumacher and Gordon Fischer DELI Creative Collective Grading

Why is this work relevant for Branded Content & Entertainment?

The campaign denounces a social drawback and calls for a clear goal: abolishing §219a. The set-up of the campaign points out the lunacy of this misogynic paragraph and calls out to everyone to help to abolish it. We delivered films, images and information material reviewed by doctors available for download for influencers and social media users. In this way, we ensured a quick recognition value and the trust of the influencers. We guaranteed a fact-check, emotional storytelling and ensured a social media movement that went straight to the politicians who mattered.


§219a prohibits doctors from providing public information about the medical facts surrounding an abortion - the 1933 law is a relic from Germany's darkest days. It criminalizes doctors and results in important information being withheld from those affected. The women's rights organization Terre des Femmes has long supported the fight against this law and is now planning a campaign that is no longer content with a simple appeal, but includes a clear call to action. Everyone, really everyone, should be able to join so that a creative campaign becomes a real movement. Because it is high time to act and to delete the paragraph from the German legal code once and for all.

Describe the creative idea

Since paragraph 219a of the German Penal Code prohibits doctors in Germany from providing public information about the methods and risks of abortion - but not any other non-professional person - we are making non-doctors and absolute laypeople the ambassadors of our campaign. In this way, we beat the paragraph with its own weapons and give unintentionally pregnant women the important information they need. Apart from doctors who perform abortions, anyone can take part - any car mechanic, any butcher, any baker, etc.

Describe the strategy

We wanted to achieve more than awareness. We wanted the information, which is otherwise difficult to obtain publicly, to be shared by a broad mass. Therefore, everyone should be able to take on the role of a multiplicator. Shop owners should share information directly in their businesses. Members should share it in their associations. Content creators should be able to produce their own videos with more ready-made texts, and users on the net should be able to share all our films and facts with their community on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube in the easiest way possible. Approach: Everyone in Germany is allowed to inform publicly about abortions. Everyone except doctors who perform them. The campaign adopts this absurdity and asks everyone to share relevant information for unwillingly pregnant women. Target audience: Basically anyone willing to share.

Describe the execution

Terre des Femmes makes the information available for download in various formats in the information hub on the campaign website, so that everyone can become an ambassador and campaigner for the common goal. In the first step, we let absolute laypeople from professions unrelated to the topic have their say in radio spots and 4 viral films, thus ensuring that the basic idea is spread quickly on the social web. In addition, social media assets are available for easy sharing or individual content creation. Small businesses can download files for posters, flyers, stickers, etc. Unwillingly pregnant women can also find serious information about abortion on the website

Describe the outcome

Politically motivated influencers quickly joined the campaign, created their own content to activate their communities and brought the topic into the appropriate political environment. The protagonists of the films also acted as multipliers and carried the campaign into their own communities. Within 10 days of the campaign launch, we achieved 13.9k engagement and a potential reach of 4.7 million with a particularly high conversion rate on Twitter, which speaks to the political relevance of the issue (over 75% of all pieces (both posts and articles) took place here). Among those who retweetet was the most prominent representative of the physicians affected by this paragraph, Kristina Hänel, who was recently denounced and sentenced. Representatives of the Social Democratic Party immediately made positive reference to the campaign and assured to prioritize the issue on the agenda of the next party conference. The Liberal Democratic Party also shared the campaign.