Category C05. Data Integration
Entrant OMD GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Idea Creation OMD GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Media Placement OMD GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Production 2 CMF Frankfurt, GERMANY
Additional Company ALLIANZ Munich, GERMANY
Additional Company 2 RESOLUTION MEDIA Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Additional Company 3 DEFINE MEDIA Karlsruhe, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Carolin Schlenk OMD Germany Campaign Strategy Development and Execution
Frank Fröhlich OMD Germany Strategic Support
Vivien Lehmann OMD Germany Campaign Execution
Tom Lehmann OMD Germany Campaign Execution
Lisa Glass OMD Germany Programmatic Strategy and Execution
Hubert Pawlata OMD Germany Programmatic Strategy and Execution
Christian Rau OMD Germany Programmatic Strategy
David Thelen OMD Germany Digital IO Strategy
Mona Klein OMD Germany Digital IO Strategy and Execution
Gabriele Rudorf OMD Germany Digital IO Strategy and Execution
Samuel Andratschke OMD Germany Social Strategy and Execution
Laura Hildenbrand Resolution Media GmbH Programmatic Native Strategy
David Said Resolution Media GmbH Media Agency for Native advertising
Lysianne Gudemann Define Media Native Vendor
Daniel Scheuch tba/ the beauty aside Creative Agency
Florian Leutbecher CMF/ Full Service Marketing Creative Agency

Why is this work relevant for Media?

Direct targeting of diseases is not possible in Germany – leading to the absence of data segments that can be activated to address diabetics. Those restrictions obviously prohibit unethical behaviour and therefore must be treated respectfully. Nevertheless: at some points those data restrictions, can “over-regulate” data-driven campaigns. With respect to the interest and intent results of our campaign, our approach of insight-focused data-selection prove that the juice was worth the squeeze. As long as a workaround is 100% based on GDPR-conform usage of data, this can be a blueprint for respectfully overcoming data restrictions in order to execute media strategies.


Enrolling in a term life insurance is a natural process most of us encounter in a lifetime. But there’s one part of our society which is discriminated at this point: diabetics. Due to their disease it’s very difficult for this risk group to get such an insurance to provide financial security for their relatives in the event of their death – putting stones in their paths to extensive investments like buying a home. Term life insurances: For most of us totally normal, for diabetics just unfair. The Allianz Life Germany aims to eliminate this inequality and launched a term life insurance, which is specifically designed to address diabetics and enables them to adequately secure their future. Although direct targeting is prohibited, we must reach and educate the narrow audience to establish Allianz and the insurance in their relevant set.

Describe the creative idea / insights (30% of vote)

1) Since diabetics are affected by injustice, term life insurance is a sensitive topic for them. Consequently, our strategy has to reflect this emotionality on the media side. 2) Due to the corona pandemic relevant events such as the World Diabetes Day are no option. This leaves us solely with digital channels as the insurance research process almost exclusively takes place online and online is the only medium that theoretically allows us to target diabetics. The huge challenge: direct targeting on disease patterns isn’t possible due to (data privacy) restrictions - which is why Google, as an indispensable information channel in the decision-making-process for insurances, doesn’t offer any data segments that can be activated. Placing our message on diabetes-related websites was not an option either: most of them use small ad formats that cannot convey the crucial emotionality or are completely ad-free.

Describe the strategy (20% of vote)

THE FIRST PILLAR of our strategy is establishing the product and consolidating Allianz as a strong partner in the relevant target group, diabetics age 20-59. Therefore, we combine the best possible target group penetration with an emotional message. For that, we chose the format of video content – targeted, emotional and attention-grabbing. To fuel our emotional message, we chose Matthias Steiner as our testimonial – a German weightlifter, Olympic champion and most importantly: diabetic. For the necessary depth of detail, which is essential for the research process, informative advertising media such as native placements and advertorials are used as a SECOND PILLAR. To effectively implement this strategy in the context of the given restrictions, however, we needed a workaround that identifies relevant data segments for programmatic targeting and ensures the quality of environments for native placements at the same time. We needed a DIABETES-DRIVEN WORKAROUND and well, we found one.

Describe the execution (20% of vote)

To determine target audience size and in-market potential, we used a German single source market research study (n = 30.178) and comparative data from Allianz. This overall target audience was transferred and prioritized into different clusters by conversion-probability. In order to make the clusters programmatically feasible, we combined different digital data sources and created our own basis for the comparison of the clusters and the programmatic approach - without the risk of violating the given restrictions regarding diabetics: • Allianz website visitors • Visitors of selected diabetic websites/ articles • Users who searched for diabetes-related search terms • Users of diabetes apps • Geo-data of users who have been in the vicinity of diabetes centres We were able to address this data pool programmatically with our emotional spots. For more depth of information we used native ads and advertorial, providing detailed product information, pushing website traffic.

List the results (30% of vote)

The diabetes-driven-workaround widely established Allianz as a strong partner for (life) insurance among 90% of German diabetics (20-59yrs): + 29% website traffic and higher dwell time prove we delivered the right message to the right audience (vs. comparable, industry-specific and product-related insurance campaigns) + 27% relevant set: After the campaign, 75% of our diabetic target group have the alliance in their relevant set + 20% intent - a strong start for the new product! One in five is willing to enroll in a diabetic-specific life insurance policy with Allianz Also, our KPIs prove the effectiveness of our approach… +20% View-Through rates (vs. Benchmark) +85% Click-Through rates for our display ads (vs. average rates of similar ad formats) …and the relevance of the advertised insurance policy - Opening rates of the native ads are high above the benchmark (1.04% vs. 0.8%) - 133% higher dwell time vs. benchmark of native ads

Describe the use of data, or how the data enhanced the campaign output

Our campaign had to build a bridge between GDPR-conform data usage and addressing a target group that cannot be addressed directly due to data restrictions and missing pre-defined data-segments. Hence, we had to build a “workaround” in order to get to our goal: Show diabetics a message, that can fundamentally change their future. Therefore, we combined digital data sources from... …the Allianz website (collecting user data, open-minded to insurances) …selected diabetic websites and articles (visited by users, consuming content consciously with a thematic proximity to our product) …diabetes-related search terms (topics, searched by users who are interested in the disease or might be affected by it) …diabetes apps (used by diabetics only) ...to create the re-audience, we were looking for. Reaching 90% of our target audience (diabetics 20-59 yrs) proves that integrating various data streams into one workaround was spot on.