Category E04. Internal Communications & Employee Engagement
Entrant KOMM PASSION Dusseldorf, GERMANY
Idea Creation KOMM PASSION Dusseldorf, GERMANY
Production KOMM PASSION Dusseldorf, GERMANY
Post Production KOMM PASSION Dusseldorf, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Ole Puls komm.passion GmbH Executive Creative Director
Nicole Holt komm.passion GmbH Creative Director
Lisa Brandt komm.passion GmbH Junior Creative Producer
Julian Leven komm.passion GmbH Junior Copywriter
Paul Trakies Paul Trakies Illustration Illustrator

Why is this work relevant for PR?

We managed to enhance a digital, internal event by adding an exciting and fun frame. In times of Covid and the resulting increase of digital events, this was a milestone as we showed that such meetings don’t necessarily have to live up to their dull reputation – and made for an unforgettable experience in difficult times.


Freudenberg is a technology company with a long tradition of remarkable events. Every three years, the 450 top managers come together for the internal “dialogue” to discuss and develop new growth and product ideas as well as celebrate their team spirit. However, due to Covid, 2021 was the first year in which the event should take place digitally – without losing its unique and motivating character. Our task was to create a digital frame for the event that provides excitement as well as diversion for the participants while also seamlessly fitting the event’s topics and its focus on digital teamwork inside Freudenberg. The frame had to work internationally, ideally combining digital and analogue elements to keep the participants active and engaged.

Describe the creative idea (20% of vote)

Our idea was to create an interactive adventure that accompanies the whole event. The plot was inspired by the Mission Impossible films: a secret agent story. We implemented our heroine Diane as the main character and the participants as her co-agents. To reinforce this feeling, we sent out special agent suitcases to all participants which did not only fulfil aesthetic purposes: The items in the suitcases were needed to solve some of the puzzles and games that the agents came across on their mission. Furthermore, we created a Slack account for Diane and let her communicate with the attendants through it, too. Aside from these interactive elements, we created animated videos to move the story forward. The whole content was designed to fit into and support the topics of the workshop.

Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote)

We wanted to reach and entertain a diverse and especially international group of people – 450 top managers of Freudenberg. Although the participants were mainly male and over 50, we decided to establish a communication that works for everybody. The main focus of our adventure, besides providing entertainment and diversion, was to convey the message that digitalisation leads to success: Freudenberg can solve every digital problem if they work together as a team.

Describe the PR execution (20% of vote)

We created multiple animated videos containing story sequences, puzzles and games. Each event day, one video was played at 11:30 a.m., half an hour before the actual event, and another one at 4:00 p.m., after the event. We also produced shorter videos for breaks during the event. Additionally, we used the event’s program, Slack, to integrate further interaction with our heroine Diane. The agents could send in their solutions to the puzzles and receive preformed answers depending on their solution. We also let Diane give tips for the puzzles and chat about details in the story.

List the results (30% of vote)

The whole event received astonishing feedback and top marks, internally as well as externally. The agents clearly enjoyed their mission and had an almost 100 percent participation rate for the interactive elements. The response on important business sides such as LinkedIn also proved the success of our concept. Additionally, Diane will return for further regional and national Freudenberg events.