Category B04. Travel, Leisure, Retail, Restaurants & Fast Food Chains
Entrant &CO Copenhagen, DENMARK
Idea Creation &CO Copenhagen, DENMARK
Media Placement MINDSHARE Copenhagen, DENMARK
Production BACON Copenhagen, DENMARK
Name Company Position
Rune Petersen &Co. / NoA Art Director
Johan Køhler &Co. / NoA Copywriter
Jeppe Rønde Bacon Director

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

“The Arrivals” documents the social behaviour of travelers returning home through the arrival hall. From three special-built towers equipped with spy-glass-windows, three DOP’s filmed arrivals for four days without knowing when or where to film. We see emotional reunions between families, friends and loved ones. We witness a father, reunited with his small son for the first time in years after fleeing their homeland, and other emotional homecomings. The homecomings we see are accompanied by a speak wondering what people brought back from their journey. Not just the easy-going and happy things, but also existential and serious thoughts, that might come to mind at this moment. More than 90 % of the people in the film were not aware of the camera and are neither directed nor put in a fabricated situation. What we see in the film would have happened, whether or not we documented it.

Cultural / Context information for the jury

“The Arrivals” is not just inspired by a social behavior and human insight, it documents a social behavior and human insight. The film shows how we feel and act when we return from a journey. It portrays our social behavior in airports and the emotions this place evokes. An extensive study of the primary target group (frequent travelers) was conducted across Scandinavia. It showed that just one yearly journey, makes you 33% more open to new cultures and people, and 38% more likely to create innovation and move society forward. The more you travel, the more traveling makes you consider the important things in life and reflect on your loved ones and the things you have back home. The findings made us confident, the campaign would resonate with people. An unbelievable 74 % organic reach on Facebook confirmed this (+1.3 million shares, comments, tags and likes).