Category A08. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Corporate Image
Entrant LLYC Madrid, SPAIN
Idea Creation LLYC Madrid, SPAIN
Production GARLIC TV Madrid, SPAIN
Name Company Position
David Gonzalez Natal LLYC Senior Director of the Consumer Engagement area
Julio Alonso Caballero LLYC Senior consultant
Pablo Hernández de Urrutia LLYC Consultant
Valeria Rey LLYC Consultant
Carlos Magro LLYC Branding Area Director
Luis Calvo LLYC Senior consultant
Francisco Javier Romero LLYC Senior consultant
Pilar Medrano LLYC Producer
Javier Sanchez Multiopticas Advertiser Team
Oscar López Multiopticas Advertiser Team
Bélen Pérez Multiopticas Advertiser Team

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The camera advances constantly in traveling out. It goes through an industrial warehouse, and during the trip we see a different everyday scene where the screens should not have been there. As we change the situation, the count of hours spent in front of the screen increases. The space is raised in a theatrical way and the situations are limited in themselves. The lighting emphasizes the blue light emitted by all devices with screens. The last scene shows us a halo of hope when a girl decides to put down her cell and challenge this new pollution.

Cultural / Context information for the jury

Multiópticas, brand leader in the optical-industry in Spain, wanted to strengthen its strategic positioning in the eye-health sector through a powerful idea that could generate conversation. We have heard the negative effects of air pollution, light pollution, even sound pollution. And if we were facing another type of pollution? We spend 11 hours a day watching screens, and that affects eye-health. Nobody talks about it. So, we created the concept to be able to talk about it: SCREEN POLLUTION.