Category B03. Durable Consumer Goods including Automotive
Entrant C41.EU Milano, ITALY
Idea Creation C41.EU Milano, ITALY
Production C41.EU Milano, ITALY
Name Company Position
Leone Balduzzi C41 studio Director
Mauro Chiarello C41 Studio DOP Lighting Cameraman
Igor Ragazzi C41 Studio Editor
Luca A. Caizzi Caizzi C41 Studio Creative Director
Alessandro De Agostini C41 Studio Creative Producer
Alice Chauvain Freelance Executive Producer
Alice De Santis C41 Studio Editor
Francesca Pavoni C41 Studio DOP Lighting Cameraman
MassiveMusic MassiveMusic MassiveMusic Original Soundtrack
Thais Montessori Brandao Freelance Stylist
Walter Junior Cassetta C41 Studio Strategic Planner
Orash Rahnema freelance Colorist
Carlo Banfi c41 Studio Art Director
Isabella Petricca C41 Studio Art Director

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

We present, in collaboration with Nike, a new film about football, passion and street life. The film is directed by an Italian director who has produced numerous films for as many important brands. The film was produced in collaboration with one of the best creative music agencies in the world. L’Incredibile! It’s a story that tells the constancy and dedication of young football lovers, of how every day they train, cutting into their lives, space for football. L’Incredibile! It’s the story of a neighborhood that day by day is approaching a new future, in which the passion for football aggregates and unites, in a spontaneous way, bringing back the boys (males and females) to meet up to play in the neighborhood fields (together ). The Baggio neighborhood is the backdrop to this incredible story, giving the film a touch of truth even stronger. Gender equality is celebrated in one of the most popular sports for men. An ode to equality where men and women collide on the same field, passing the same ball between the feet and having the same chances of victory. A story of passion told through the expert voice of the coach.