Category G07. Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility
Name Company Position
Isabelle Benz TBWA\Switzerland AG Art Director
Lisa Bolte TBWA\Switzerland Copywriter
Angelo Sciullo TBWA\Switzerland AG Creative Director
Manuel Wenzel TBWA Switzerland AG Executive Creative Director
Nadja Stickl TBWA\Switzerland AG Group Account Director

Why is this work relevant for Direct?

We've sent 1000 pieces of Smile Soap to the homes of 1000 families of our registered users. We helped them at their homes during Covid and activated the handwashing of children during the pandemic.


During Covid especially the public-transport got under pressure as a possible hotspot for infections. And the Swiss authorities adviced strongly to wash your hands very often during the day. Our brief was to fulfill the platforms purpose to improve the travel experience for families with something relevant in their everyday life during playing into one of the brand essences of the Swiss Federal Railway: safety. The objective was to engage with the registered families on our platform in a helpful and relevant way during the pandemic.

Describe the creative idea (30% of vote)

We invited our registered users to do a very easy hygiene-quiz around Covid together with their children. And the first 1000 families who did so, got the Smile-Soap as an incentive: An SBB train toy wrapped in soap. The more often kids do wash their hands, the quicker they reach their toy.

Describe the strategy (20% of vote)

Our target audience were the registered users on the platform, which is ran by the Swiss Federal Railways SBB – and within this audience we adressed the families, which make over 65% of all registered users. To especially support these families with something as helpful and playful as relevant it is, we gave away 1000 pieces of our smile-soap to them.

Describe the execution (20% of vote)

We launched the quiz and the soap on March 22nd and it was planned to run until May 2nd. But after 4 days all 1000 pieces of soap were given away already due to the high engagement rate. The quiz was placed on, the digital platform of the Swiss Federal Railway. The scale was 1000 pieces (we're currently producing a 2nd charge)

List the results (30% of vote)

1000 of 1000 pieces were given away within one hour already. Compared to average activations the site traffic increased by 45%. And we helped the families to motivate their kids to wash their hands more often during Covid.

Please tell us how the brand purpose inspired the work

The brand purpose of the digital platform "" by the Swiss Federal Railways want to improve the travel experience before, during and after travel. By sending the Smile Soap we made the coming home after travel safer and the motivation of kids to wash their hands more often easier.