The film shows the journey of the doctor, as he goes on different missions around the world to teach and trains local staff his knowledge: medical gestures that travel, that can be taught, that save.
Because ultimately, teaching is only way to silence death. Hence the slogan of the campaign: #SHUTUPDEATH.
In the end, the knowledge the doctor taught saves his own life.
Write a short summary of what happens in the film
For Doctors of the World, Christmas is an important donation collection period. To differentiate our message from the often opportunistic and tear-jerker messages of other associations, we created a campaign rooted in the everyday reality of a DOTW doctor.
The specificity of DOTW is the fact that the association does not just provide medical treatment for the population, it also trains staff at local level, helping them become independent. The film shows the journey of the doctor, as he teaches and trains local staff his knowledge: medical gestures that travel, that can be taught, that save. Because ultimately, teaching is only way to silence death. Hence the slogan of the campaign: #SHUTUPDEATH. In the end, the knowledge the doctor taught saves his own life.
The film was broadcast in France, on TV and on digital. The online film has been seen more than 1 million times.
Cultural/Context information for the jury
To distance our message from the other NGO’s, the intention was not to have an opportunistic or tearful speech. By anchoring the campaign in the reality and in the action, we put forwards the people of the association who fight every day, and who never give up, no matter the odds. The film shows the journey of the doctor, as he teaches and trains local staff his knowledge: medical gestures that travel, that can be taught, that save. In the end, the knowledge the doctor taught saves his own life.