Product/ServiceA101 HOUSING COMPLEX
Category A02. Script
Idea Creation TUTKOVBUDKOV Volgograd, RUSSIA
Production KINOPRAVDA Barcelona, SPAIN
Production 2 STEREOTACTIC Moscow, RUSSIA
Name Company Position
Dmitry Tutkov TUTKOVBUDKOV Creative Director
Dmitry Kostuchenko TUTKOVBUDKOV Art Director
Oleg Barinboim TUTKOVBUDKOV Creative Director
Marina Baldenkova TUTKOVBUDKOV Copywriter
Kinopravda Kinopravda Director

Provide the full film script in English.

Miniature golf, also known as mini-golf, crazy golf, or putt-putt. Usually mini golf is played on outdoor courses characterised by their short length and artificial obstacles. Tonight Anton decided to change the usual corse to his impressive dining table to present his skills to his neighbours. How about we use this time to get to know this lovely bunch a bit better. First on the right its Annie and Anna - Although Anna is Anton’s wife her thing is definitely not golf - she’ more into… well Reorganising stuff. And then reorganise it again, and again. Why not if she’s having fun while she does it. Her daughter’s best friend Luka and his dad Pavel. He put on the Gorilla costume to surprise Luka on his birthday, but it was such a hit that it became a daily routine. Kids go crazy for it. Specially when he pretends that he doesn’t know where they are hiding. I think they’re in the storage room. On their right the ginger twins. They might look similar but actually they’re very different - Katja is Left handed, Kiril is right handed, she’s an early bird, he’s a late night owl, she’s a shower person he is definitely the bathtub type. They share everything but even two bathrooms are not big enough to fit their ego. Still not ready. No worries. Take your time. The man in the robe is Alex- his thing is sunbaths in his bathtub Every day from 4:20 to 6PM - If the weather is right of course. Good for him! Whops the song is almost out, lets jump back a tiny bit. Here comes Jens. Jens lives on the top floor. One could say he’s the greenest person in the house. And probably the smartest. The same newspaper. At the same time. With the same cup of tea. Last but not least the Berson Family. Two nerdy kids Philip and Mark, and their clumsy yet resourceful father Philip sr. There’s always something to fix but there’s always a way. Nice bowtie! And here we are again- How about this shot now Anton. Shhhh. Lets see it. aaaaaaaaaaand! Well played! Lively apartments. Lovely neighbours. At A101 housing complex.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

A101 apartments are not only lovely but lively — the ones where you can start living in right after settling, since A101 includes furnishing and decor with the purchase. This is why we are showcasing the exuberant life stories instead of the apartments itself. In order to bring this idea to life, we made seven separate TVCs highlighting A101 unique features, and then produced a centrepiece story for Cinemas where we gathered all characters and families. This is a story that connects them all inside the A101 Universe, and the other families are zoomed in on the separate events (and separate apartments) in these people’s lives. A detail like this serves to create depth in the narrative and makes for a surprising Easter egg for a keen viewer.