Product/ServiceVIPPS INVOICE
Category A05. Cinematography
Entrant POL Oslo, NORWAY
Idea Creation POL Oslo, NORWAY
Production BACON OSLO Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Anders Arnoldsen Holm POL Copywriter
Thea Emanuelsen POL Art Director
Monika Augustsson POL Account Director
Kjetil Botten Skogly POL Account Director
Ina Egelandsdal POL Project Manager
Tone Bøygård POL Project Manager
Matias&Mathias Bacon OSL Director
Magne Lyngner Bacon OSL Executive Producer
Ola Narum Berg Bacon OSL Producer
Julien Alary Bacon OSL Colourist
Andreas Waag Martinsen Bacon OSL Sound Designer
Ola Jacob Nestande Bacon OSL VFX Supervisor
Andreas Bjørseth Bacon OSL Director of Photography
Eli Mari Sandal Bacon OSL Post Producer
Hanne Norstrøm-Ness Vipps Marketing Director
Kine Bergseth Vipps Marketing Manager

Tell the jury anything relevant about the cinematography.

In order to substantiate the suspense of the film, the cinematography of The Frazzle plays with light and darkness. It tends towards the noir, creating a dark undertone, building up towards the reveal. This is truly what sets the films universe apart from other commercials, while keeping the sense of humor intact.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

We see a guy, Eric, paying his paper bills and having to deal with the frustration of all those digits. As he gets more and more annoyed, his wife calls out for him. When she doesn’t get an answer she decides to check up on him, only to discover that he has gotten a case of the “frazzle”. The films ends with the line: avoid getting the frazzle. Pay your bills with Vipps.

Cultural/Context information for the jury

In Norway we have an expression called getting fnatt (best translated into to become frazzled), which means to go slightly crazy with annoyance. Another thing we have in Norway are extremely long customer identification numbers on our invoices. So when mobile banking service, Vipps, launched a new service which allow Norwegians to pay their bills through Vipps, we found that the one thing people really liked was the end of punching in all those long numbers.