Category |
A03. Data-driven Consumer Product |
PS21 Madrid, SPAIN
Idea Creation
PS21 Madrid, SPAIN
PS21 Madrid, SPAIN
Agustín Vivancos |
PS21 |
Head of Strategy |
Beatriz Arce |
PS21 |
Head of Growth |
Victor Blanco |
PS21 |
Creative Director |
Daya Muñoz |
PS21 |
Creative Director |
Jacobo Pérez |
PS21 |
Head of Creative Innovation |
Lara Martínez |
PS21 |
Project Manager |
Arael Arias |
PS21 |
Brand Producer |
Laura Igualada |
PS21 |
Brand Producer |
Daniel Aguado |
PS21 |
Senior Art Director |
Roberto González |
PS21 |
Senior Copywriter |
Noelia Moreno |
PS21 |
Art Director |
Irene Fernández |
PS21 |
Copywriter |
Daniel Ramos |
PS21 |
Head of Culture and Entertainment |
María Moreta |
PS21 |
Associate Experience Producer |
Pilar Guerrero |
PS21 |
Head of Studio |
Daniel Rivera |
PS21 |
Studio |
Javier Cirujeda |
PS21 |
Studio |
Pablo Córdoba |
PS21 |
Studio |
Azahara Ramos |
PS21 |
Head of Production |
Michel De Larroque |
PS21 |
Producer |
Sergio García |
PS21 |
Strategy Planner |
Natalia Guerrero |
PS21 |
Strategic Planner |
Adrián Alcaide |
PS21 |
Social Media |
Paloma Fernández |
La Más Chula |
PR Maker |
Why is this work relevant for Creative Data?
We created a campaign that needed to have a meaningful cultural impact in a really disruptive way, so taking the cue from a national insight, we used creative data to fill in a blank: in Spain everyone associates Seville with its special colour but no one knows what that colour is. The innovative use of data was based on an algorithm that we generate to find out something that had never been done before: the colour of a city.
That’s how we linked the product and generated an emotional connection through data to win the hearts of Spaniards.
Tanqueray launched a new gin (Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla) onto the Spanish market targeting a premium gin drinker who has entered the category through flavoured gins (a massive recruiting trend in Spain) and wants a more sophisticated and natural option, amongst a sea of pink artificial looking mainstream gins.
The first focus was Sevilla and there were already a couple of strongly positioned competitors (the biggest one coming from Seville, curiously). Tanqueray needed a strong response: a powerful launch strategy that cut through all the noise and let us reach a wide audience. For a brand that comes from the UK, we needed to be not just impactful, but also to create a powerful cultural connection to establish Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla as a legitimate tribute that celebrates Seville’s heritage. We needed to generate the word of mouth and earned media coverage that helped the idea travel well beyond Seville.
Describe the idea/data solution
In 1992, during the Universal Exposition of Seville, the famous musical duo “Los del Río” recorded the song “Sevilla tiene un color especial”. The song arose as a hymn of the event, but it would become an anthem of the city. From this moment on, everyone in Spain has said that Seville has a special colour, but 26 years later, no one knows what colour is, simply because the song did not reveal it. That's why for the launch of the new gin Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla we decided to discover it by a unique study based on Data to find out the chromatic identity of the city throughout the analysis of its streets and its most emblematic corners and monuments.
Describe the data driven strategy
Once we determined that extracting the city's colour was the right way to find this special colour, the main challenge was to achieve. We shuffled different technical solutions and Google Street View was the most fast and realistic way. At the end, Google Street View is a photo library, so, using their API we would be able to extract all these pictures.
We designed the algorithm that performed 4 main task:
- Navigate across the chosen areas from Google Street View
- Extract pictures through the Google Street View API
- Scan the most represented colour hues
- Remove colour data from the sky and the asphalt, which are elements common to all cities and would end up altering the result
Over a 75% of the extracted colours were in a chromatic range between yellow and red, being orange #FFAB60 the predominant colour
Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output
Using a heat map, we determined the busiest areas and developed an algorithm that, taking Google Street View as a source, was able to go through the streets analyzing and extracting the predominant chromatic information from each image, comparing thousands of tones with each other.
After analyzing over 10,000 images, over 30 monuments, over 1,000 streets and over 600,000 colour hues thoroughly compared, the algorithm extracted the following mathematical result: the average hexadecimal colour of the city.
Once we had the Special Colour of Seville, we used it to create Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla, the first gin made with the colour of a city.
But the Special colour of Seville went further:
The city council recognized it with a plaque and lighted up the most important monuments with that colour.
Los del Río rewrite the original song, adding the colour 26 years later.
And we even got Pantone to certified it and it was added to its catalog, making Seville the first city of the world with its own Pantone.
In this way, using popular culture, we turned a British gin brand into an icon of the city of Seville. Creating a legacy that will last forever.
List the data driven results
In terms of PR we got more than 82.500.000 impressions, that meant 520.000€ of earned media value.
The special colour became a trend. Fashion magazines started talking about it as the season colour, collecting fashion clothes to dress with this colour.
Important publications related to tourism, like Lonely Planet, invited people to discover it, which helped Seville to become the most popular destination in Spain, even surpassing Barcelona.
The project was one recognized as one of the most outstanding creative projects of 2018 by the prestigious magazine Contagius.
Regarding social media, the reach was over 20 millions and there were an astonishing engagement of 150.000 interactions.
We revolutionized the gin market, saturated with pink gins, adding at last a new colour that made sense.
We were able to become the number one-selling gin on Amazon on the first week. And during La Feria, when the product was still being launched, it was embraced by the bartenders, bar owners and wholesalers successfully, as well as by consumers, who were quite curious about the reveal of the famous special colour. Two months after the launch of the product, it was out of stock in some parts of Spain.