Category B01. Use of TV & Other Screens
Entrant BVBA OLAF Steenhuffel, BELGIUM
Idea Creation BVBA OLAF Steenhuffel, BELGIUM
Production BVBA OLAF Steenhuffel, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Olaf Meuleman BVBA OLAF Creative Director
Thomas Thyssens BVBA OLAF Art Director
Jeroen Goossens BVBA OLAF Art Director
Coline Bagein Gordon Finest Beers Marketing Manager
Steve Brouwers SBS Belgium Account

Why is this work relevant for Media?

We used the medium in a completely new way. We turned the commercial break, that people more and more just fast forward into a game. We made people not only watch the commercial break, but even play with it: rewind, watch in slow motion, photograph and film with their smartphones, etc. A proof that with creativity you can still captures people's attention, even in a commercial break.


For a beer brand that claims 'Nothing to prove' for many years now, we made commercials that had nothing to prove. How can we prove that we have nothing to prove? By making the shortest commercials possible. Only a single frame. 1/25th of a second. We worked together with the TV network to make this possible. It was never done before. Off course people would miss it, since it's just a flash. So we announced the ads on Facebook and promised free beer to those who could spot one. Therefore people had to record, rewind, pause and watch the commercial break in slowmotion. Instead of fast forwarding like they usually do. We kicked this off with the help of influencers, and our community followed.

Describe the creative idea/insights

It's no secret that people nowadays just fast forward the commercial break. We wanted to create the exact opposite, and made people not only watch the commercial break, but even play with it: rewind, watch in slow motion, photograph and film with their smartphones, etc. Therefor we created an intriguing concept: a 1 frame commercial, the shortest possible ad. You had to rewind / slomo / pause the commercial break to be able to see. Fortunately you were rewarded with free beer if you did. A proof that with creativity you can still captures people's attention, even in a commercial break.

Describe the strategy

For a beer brand that claims 'Nothing to prove' for many years now, we made commercials that had nothing to prove. How can we prove that we have nothing to prove? By making the shortest commercials possible. Only a single frame. 1/25th of a second. We did not to force people into watching our ads. We just wanted to create something so intriguing people would actually want to find out. Which they did. We had to co-operate with the media-network, since this was never done before. In the end, we had to ad every single frame manually into the commercial break.

Describe the execution

We made an innovative use of a combination of media: - unique 1 frame commercial where aired on TV - we announced when they were broadcasted, and challenged our community to spot them in exchangen for free beer. - off course we also challenged some influencers, who helped us kick of the whole stunt.

List the results

- For Five week we dominated the commercial breaks with our 23 different ads. - We had a total of 10.000 interactions on our Facebook-page (for a rather small beer brand) - Sales went up with 9% - All that with a total airtime of less than 3 seconds. (62 frame ads were broadcasted, that is 2 seconds and half)