Category B07. Use of Stunts
Name Company Position
Jakob Kattner Warda Network Creative Director
Anna Bonfiglio Warda Network Key Account Manager
Eugen Prosquill Warda Network C.E.O.
Georg Redl Warda Network Art Director
Jürgen Bogner Warda Network Strategic Planner

Why is this work relevant for Media?

The PR Stunt got international recognition based on the critically acclaimed burqa-ban law that entered into force in Austria in October 2017. Media took up on the topic questioning its sense regarding a mascot for a marketing campaign. The person behind the full-body costume was forced to show his face while working for the McShark Store opening. The case opened up a worldwide debate on the Austrian burqa-ban law and how it should be executed. The law that is aimed to forbid full-face covering including Islamic veils has claimed an oddly unusual victim: a man wearing a shark costume.


McShark, an Austrian premium reseller for Apple products opened its first flagship store in the historic center of Vienna. Next to luxury and high-priced designer shops it is not easy to attract locals and tourists. The shop wanted to get media clippings and press recognition within the Austrian market to generate awareness and to draw attention to their new flagship store. The brief was to stage activities that result in PR and media attention, covering the brand’s name and their main visual component: the shark. The goal was to generate awareness within national and international press and media outlets, such as TV, Radio, Web, Magazines, Blogs and Social Media promoting the opening of the new flagship store and the brand itself.

Describe the creative idea/insights

The creative idea behind the campaign was to take up a current controversial topic in order to create public awareness. Originally directed towards the clothing worn by some ultra-conservative Muslim women, a different probably not intended scope of application of the new law should be pointed out. By getting a man who was working for the McShark electronic store fined, not only a “socially relevant” point on the implications of the burqa-ban law was made, additionally, huge media coverage of the McShark store opening was generated.

Describe the strategy

A man was dressed in a shark costume to promote the shop opening and to attract passers-by, tourists and locals. The opening was accompanied by a photo- and video-team and attended by bloggers and social influencers who covered the opening via facebook live stream. Suddenly the police showed up, due to an anonymous complaint, and forced the promoter to remove the head of the costume and fined him €150. Shortly after, we released a picture of the promoter without his shark-head bearing following statement: “Today we were at the McShark store opening and our shark mascot received a fine from the police due to the new ban on face coverings! Life is not easy!” The incident was reported in Austria’s biggest newspapers and broadcasted on Austria’s largest news programme. From there the news spread like a wildfire across the world.

Describe the execution

We admitted to having dressed a man in a (full body) shark costume to challenge the new burqa-ban law. The 'incident' resulted in one of the biggest and strikingly successful PR stunts in international news outlets creating a massive echo with a relatively low budget. Timeline: October 7: release of the photo October 8: Austrian media picks up on the story October 9: spreading photo and video material to international news outlets October 11: release of press report stating that we wanted to make a "social relevant point"

List the results

October 6: release of the photo October 9: Austrian media picks up on the story October 10: spreading photo and video material to international news outlets October 11: release of press report stating that we wanted to make a "social relevant point" Scale: 1.3 billion (Media impressions) 1.2 million Interactions on social media 190 mass media publications in over 30 countries -- Tier 1: By gaining a worldwide reach of more than 1.3 billion media impressions the PR stunt not only achieved an unforeseen boost in brand awareness for McShark but also prompted questions about the social relevance of the new anti-burqa law. Tier2: The PR stunt not only lead to an increase in brand awareness and press and media coverage of the shop opening but also raised fundamental questions about the controversial new restrictions on wearing face coverings in public places which entered into force just one week before the PR stunt. The law was examined as being either discriminating against those who wear a traditional Islamic dress or simply being a little ridiculous. Additionally, it also fueled up the debate on anti-veil laws in general as only a small number of women (in Austria) actually wear the full-face veil. 1.2 Million Interactions on social media Tier 3: increase in sales within the first week: 27.5% CPT price of 0.0003 Euro in media sales Media Impressions worldwide / McShark: 1.3 billion