2018 Brand Experience & Activation


Category A13. Not-for-profit / Charity / Governemt
Entrant McCANN SPAIN Madrid, SPAIN
Idea Creation McCANN SPAIN Madrid, SPAIN
Production TESAURO Madrid, SPAIN
Name Company Position
Monica Moro McCann Chief Creative Officer
Raquel Martínez, Jon Lavín McCann Executive Creative Directors
Jon Lavín, Rafael Martínez McCann Copywriters
Borja Diego, Rodrígo Fernández McCann Art Directors
Marta Torrecillas McCann Account Manager
Mercedes García McCann Agency Producer
Nacho Clemente Tesauro Film Director
Jaime Boira Tesauro DOP
Laura Ibáñez, Ana Gómez Tesauro Producers

Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation ?

After the initial impact of the presentation of the campaign at a national boxing event, the message reached all media and all kinds of publics. Reaching our core target, schools and sports centres who also joined the movement putting the philosophy behind sport into practice to prevent bullying.


BRIEF: In Spain, 20% of the children suffer bylling. Almost 2million of children. This worring figure leads us to create with the coach Jero García the SportsvsBullying movement. It is demonstrated, to practice any sports gives children self esteem, and make them feel proud of belonging to a group. TARGET: Children between 8 to 18 years (witness, harassed, stalker), Fathers, Teachers, SOciety in general OBJETIVE: - To comunícate the creation of this movement - To raise awareness to the target about the benefits of practicing sports.

Describe the creative idea

Three big names of the Spanish boxing scene competed in a boxing match dedicated to the fight against bullying at Casino Gran Madrid de Torrelodones, a match also broadcasted live on TV in Spain. But the boxing champions did not have their popular boxing nicknames on their ring jackets, instead they were replaced with most common insults used by kids. Míriam La Reina Gutiérre changed her name to La Guarra Gutiérrez (En: The Slag), Ardi Rodríguez changed his name to Puto Friki Rodríguez (En: Fucking Nerd) and Cristian Mini Tyson Vélez changed his name to Gordo de Mierda Vélez (En: Fat Shit).

Describe the strategy

Sportsmen and women are joining the movement by changing their names or nicknames for a day, to insults to raise awareness and mobilise society against this drama and let victims know that they are not alone and that bullying can be overcome through sport.

Describe the execution

The last 3 November the "Sport vs Bullying" movement was introduced publicly at the Spanish National Boxing Championships held in the Casino Gran Madrid in Torrelodones, Madrid. There, three national boxing greats joined the movement and went into the ring changing their nicknames for the most common insults aimed at kids: Alvaro "Fucking Freak" Rodriguez, Miriam "Slut" Gutierrez and Cristian "Fat lump of shit" Vélez in a gesture of solidarity with victims, showed that no insult can obscure the greatness inside them.

List the results

RESULTS OBTAINED: - 49 Million unique users saw the campaign which had a budget of 0€. - +1,000,000€ in earned media. - It was the highest profile boxing event in Spain in over 20 years. - Ardi Rodriguez "Fucking Freak" became the Champion of Spain. - Schools and Sports Centres are joining the movement.